Explicando o sistema: Você irá escolher sua vila ao criar o char,irá aparecer no jogador o icone da vila e seu nome.
Primeiramente dentro da pasta GFX coloque a pasta Vilas para baixar a pasta link:
www . 2shared . com/file/r9tyXW3l/VilasByDelPiero.html
Na frmNewChar crie uma Image , com as seguintes propriedades:
Logo acima da PicVilas crie uma label com as seguintes propriedades:
Agora crie uma HScrollBar com as seguintes propriedades:
Ficara mais ou menos assim:
Agora de 2 cliques na scrlVilas e dentro dele adicione:
Agora na Sub Form_Load da frmNewChar abaixo de:
Procure por:
Abaixo Adicione:
No final do modTypes adicione:
Procure por:
Mude tudo ali para:
Procure por:
Mude toda a Sub para:
Agora procure pela Sub BltPlayerName mude ela toda para:
Procure por:
Abaixo Adicione:
Agora procure por:
Mude a sub toda para:
Procure por:
Abaixo adicione:
Procure pela Sub BltPlayer e mude ela toda para:
procure por:
Abaixo adicione:
Procure por:
Abaixo Adicione:
No final do modTypes adicione:
Procure por Case "addachara" Mude toda a packet para:
Procure por Sub AddChar mude toda a sub para:
Procure por:
Abaixo adicione:
Procure por:
Abaixo Adicione:
Procure por:
abaixo adicione:
Procure por TODOS os :
abaixo de cada 1 que você achar adicione:
Procure pela Sub SendLeftGame mude ela toda para:
E para poder usar guild sem ficar em cima do nome da vila, mude a Sub BltPlayerGuildName para:
Créditos: Del Piero
Primeiramente dentro da pasta GFX coloque a pasta Vilas para baixar a pasta link:
www . 2shared . com/file/r9tyXW3l/VilasByDelPiero.html
Na frmNewChar crie uma Image , com as seguintes propriedades:
- Código:
Name: PicVilas
Height: 47
Width: 50
Logo acima da PicVilas crie uma label com as seguintes propriedades:
- Código:
Nome: lblVilas
Agora crie uma HScrollBar com as seguintes propriedades:
- Código:
Nome: scrlVilas
Max: 1
Min: 5
Ficara mais ou menos assim:
- Exemplo Del Piero Vilas:
Agora de 2 cliques na scrlVilas e dentro dele adicione:
- Código:
On Error Resume Next
Select Case scrlVilas.Value
Case 1
PicVilas.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\GFX\Vilas\1.jpg")
lblVilas.Caption = "Konohagakure"
Case 2
PicVilas.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\GFX\Vilas\2.jpg")
lblVilas.Caption = "Sunagakure"
Case 3
PicVilas.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\GFX\Vilas\3.jpg")
lblVilas.Caption = "Iwagakure"
Case 4
PicVilas.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\GFX\Vilas\4.jpg")
lblVilas.Caption = "Kirigakure"
Case 5
PicVilas.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\GFX\Vilas\5.jpg")
lblVilas.Caption = "Kumogakure"
End Select
Agora na Sub Form_Load da frmNewChar abaixo de:
- Código:
Picsprites.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\GFX\sprites.bmp")
- Código:
scrlVilas.Value = 1
Procure por:
- Código:
Type PlayerRec
' General
Name As String * NAME_LENGTH
Guild As String
Guildaccess As Byte
Class As Long
Sprite As Long
Level As Long
EXP As Long
Access As Byte
PK As Byte
Abaixo Adicione:
- Código:
Vilas As Byte
No final do modTypes adicione:
- Código:
Function GetPlayerVilas(ByVal Index As Long) As Byte
GetPlayerVilas = Player(Index).Vilas
End Function
Sub SetPlayerVilas(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal Vilas As Byte)
Player(Index).Vilas = Vilas
End Sub
Procure por:
- Código:
Mude tudo ali para:
- Código:
If ConnectToServer = True Then
Call SetStatus("Conectado, enviando pedido de criação de personagem...")
If frmNewChar.optMale.Value = True Then
Call SendAddChar(frmNewChar.txtName, 0, frmNewChar.cmbClass.ListIndex + 1, frmChars.lstChars.ListIndex + 1, frmNewChar.scrlVilas.Value)
Call SendAddChar(frmNewChar.txtName, 1, frmNewChar.cmbClass.ListIndex + 1, frmChars.lstChars.ListIndex + 1, frmNewChar.scrlVilas.Value)
End If
End If
Procure por:
- Código:
Sub SendAddChar
Mude toda a Sub para:
- Código:
Sub SendAddChar(ByVal Name As String, ByVal Sex As Long, ByVal ClassNum As Long, ByVal Slot As Long, ByVal Vilas As Byte)
Dim Packet As String
Packet = "addachara" & SEP_CHAR & Trim(Name) & SEP_CHAR & Sex & SEP_CHAR & ClassNum & SEP_CHAR & Slot & SEP_CHAR & Vilas & END_CHAR
Call SendData(Packet)
End Sub
Agora procure pela Sub BltPlayerName mude ela toda para:
- Código:
Sub BltPlayerName(ByVal Index As Long)
Dim TextX As Long
Dim TextY As Long
Dim Color As Long
Dim Vila As String
' Check access level
If GetPlayerPK(Index) = NO Then
Select Case GetPlayerAccess(Index)
Case 0
Color = QBColor(Brown)
Case 1
Color = QBColor(DarkGrey)
Case 2
Color = QBColor(Cyan)
Case 3
Color = QBColor(Blue)
Case 4
Color = QBColor(Pink)
End Select
Color = QBColor(BrightRed)
End If
' Draw name
TextX = GetPlayerX(Index) * PIC_X + sx + Player(Index).XOffset + Int(PIC_X / 2) - ((Len(GetPlayerName(Index)) / 2) *
TextY = GetPlayerY(Index) * PIC_Y + sx + Player(Index).YOffset - Int(PIC_Y / 2) - (SIZE_Y - PIC_Y)
Call DrawText(TexthDC, TextX - (NewPlayerX * PIC_X) - NewXOffset, TextY - (NewPlayerY * PIC_Y) - NewYOffset, GetPlayerName(Index), Color)
If GetPlayerVilas(Index) > 0 Then
Select Case GetPlayerVilas(Index)
Case 1
Vila = "Konohagakure"
Case 2
Vila = "Sunagakure"
Case 3
Vila = "Iwagakure"
Case 4
Vila = "Kirigakure"
Case 5
Vila = "Kirigakure"
Case Else
Vila = vbNullString
End Select
TextX = GetPlayerX(Index) * PIC_X + sx + Player(Index).XOffset + Int(PIC_X / 2) - ((Len(Vila) / 2) *
TextY = GetPlayerY(Index) * PIC_Y + sx + Player(Index).YOffset - Int(PIC_Y / 2) - (SIZE_Y - PIC_Y) - 14
Call DrawText(TexthDC, TextX - (NewPlayerX * PIC_X) - NewXOffset, TextY - (NewPlayerY * PIC_Y) - NewYOffset, Vila, QBColor(White))
End If
End Sub
Procure por:
- Código:
Abaixo Adicione:
- Código:
Public DD_Vilas As DirectDrawSurface7
Agora procure por:
- Código:
Sub InitSurfaces()
Mude a sub toda para:
- Código:
Sub InitSurfaces()
Dim I As Long
' Check for files existing
If FileExist("\GFX\sprites.bmp") = False Or FileExist("\GFX\Itens.bmp") = False Or FileExist("\GFX\bigsprites.bmp") = False Or FileExist("\GFX\emoticons.bmp") = False Or FileExist("\GFX\Flechas.bmp") = False Or FileExist("\GFX\Vilas\Vilas.bmp") = False Then
Call MsgBox("Alguns arquivos gráficos estão faltando!", vbOKOnly, GAME_NAME)
Call GameDestroy
End If
' Set the key for masks
key.low = 0
key.high = 0
' Initialize back buffer
DDSD_BackBuffer.lWidth = (MAX_MAPX + 1) * PIC_X
DDSD_BackBuffer.lHeight = (MAX_MAPY + 1) * PIC_Y
Set DD_BackBuffer = DD.CreateSurface(DDSD_BackBuffer)
' Init sprite ddsd type and load the bitmap
DDSD_Sprite.lFlags = DDSD_CAPS
Set DD_SpriteSurf = DD.CreateSurfaceFromFile(App.Path & "\GFX\sprites.bmp", DDSD_Sprite)
SetMaskColorFromPixel DD_SpriteSurf, 0, 0
' carregar vilas by del piero
DDSD_Vilas.lFlags = DDSD_CAPS
Set DD_Vilas = DD.CreateSurfaceFromFile(App.Path & "\GFX\Vilas\Vilas.bmp", DDSD_Vilas)
SetMaskColorFromPixel DD_Vilas, 0, 0
' Init tiles ddsd type and load the bitmap
For I = 0 To ExtraSheets
If Dir(App.Path & "\GFX\tiles" & I & ".bmp") <> vbNullString Then
DDSD_Tile(I).lFlags = DDSD_CAPS
Set DD_TileSurf(I) = DD.CreateSurfaceFromFile(App.Path & "\GFX\tiles" & I & ".bmp", DDSD_Tile(I))
SetMaskColorFromPixel DD_TileSurf(I), 0, 0
TileFile(I) = 1
TileFile(I) = 0
End If
Next I
' Init items ddsd type and load the bitmap
DDSD_Item.lFlags = DDSD_CAPS
Set DD_ItemSurf = DD.CreateSurfaceFromFile(App.Path & "\GFX\Itens.bmp", DDSD_Item)
SetMaskColorFromPixel DD_ItemSurf, 0, 0
' Init big sprites ddsd type and load the bitmap
DDSD_BigSprite.lFlags = DDSD_CAPS
Set DD_BigSpriteSurf = DD.CreateSurfaceFromFile(App.Path & "\GFX\bigsprites.bmp", DDSD_BigSprite)
SetMaskColorFromPixel DD_BigSpriteSurf, 0, 0
' Init emoticons ddsd type and load the bitmap
DDSD_Emoticon.lFlags = DDSD_CAPS
Set DD_EmoticonSurf = DD.CreateSurfaceFromFile(App.Path & "\GFX\emoticons.bmp", DDSD_Emoticon)
SetMaskColorFromPixel DD_EmoticonSurf, 0, 0
' Init spells ddsd type and load the bitmap
DDSD_SpellAnim.lFlags = DDSD_CAPS
Set DD_SpellAnim = DD.CreateSurfaceFromFile(App.Path & "\GFX\Magias.bmp", DDSD_SpellAnim)
SetMaskColorFromPixel DD_SpellAnim, 0, 0
' Init arrows ddsd type and load the bitmap
DDSD_ArrowAnim.lFlags = DDSD_CAPS
Set DD_ArrowAnim = DD.CreateSurfaceFromFile(App.Path & "\GFX\Flechas.bmp", DDSD_ArrowAnim)
SetMaskColorFromPixel DD_ArrowAnim, 0, 0
End Sub
Procure por:
- Código:
Set DD_PrimarySurf = Nothing
Abaixo adicione:
- Código:
Set DD_Vilas = Nothing
Procure pela Sub BltPlayer e mude ela toda para:
- Código:
Sub BltPlayer(ByVal Index As Long)
Dim Anim As Byte
Dim x As Long, y As Long
Dim AttackSpeed As Long
If GetPlayerWeaponSlot(Index) > 0 Then
AttackSpeed = Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerWeaponSlot(Index))).AttackSpeed
AttackSpeed = 1000
End If
' Only used if ever want to switch to blt rather then bltfast
' I suggest you don't use, because custom sizes won't work any longer
With rec_pos
.Top = GetPlayerY(Index) * PIC_Y + Player(Index).YOffset - (SIZE_Y - PIC_Y)
.Bottom = .Top + PIC_Y
.Left = GetPlayerX(Index) * PIC_X + Player(Index).XOffset + ((SIZE_X - PIC_X) / 2)
.Right = .Left + PIC_X + ((SIZE_X - PIC_X) / 2)
End With
' Check for animation
Anim = 0
If Player(Index).Attacking = 0 Then
Select Case GetPlayerDir(Index)
If (Player(Index).YOffset < PIC_Y / 2) Then Anim = 1
If (Player(Index).YOffset > PIC_Y / 2 * -1) Then Anim = 1
If (Player(Index).XOffset < PIC_Y / 2) Then Anim = 1
If (Player(Index).XOffset > PIC_Y / 2 * -1) Then Anim = 1
End Select
If Player(Index).AttackTimer + Int(AttackSpeed / 2) > GetTickCount Then
Anim = 2
End If
End If
' Check to see if we want to stop making him attack
If Player(Index).AttackTimer + AttackSpeed < GetTickCount Then
Player(Index).Attacking = 0
Player(Index).AttackTimer = 0
End If
rec.Top = GetPlayerSprite(Index) * SIZE_Y + (SIZE_Y - PIC_Y)
rec.Bottom = rec.Top + PIC_Y
rec.Left = (GetPlayerDir(Index) * (3 * (SIZE_X / PIC_X)) + (Anim * (SIZE_X / PIC_X))) * PIC_X
rec.Right = rec.Left + SIZE_X
x = GetPlayerX(Index) * PIC_X - (SIZE_X - PIC_X) / 2 + sx + Player(Index).XOffset
y = GetPlayerY(Index) * PIC_Y - (SIZE_Y - PIC_Y) + sx + Player(Index).YOffset + (SIZE_Y - PIC_Y)
If SIZE_X > PIC_X Then
If x < 0 Then
x = Player(Index).XOffset + sx + ((SIZE_X - PIC_X) / 2)
If GetPlayerDir(Index) = DIR_RIGHT And Player(Index).Moving > 0 Then
rec.Left = rec.Left - Player(Index).XOffset
rec.Left = rec.Left - Player(Index).XOffset + ((SIZE_X - PIC_X) / 2)
End If
End If
If x > MAX_MAPX * 32 Then
x = MAX_MAPX * 32 + sx - ((SIZE_X - PIC_X) / 2) + Player(Index).XOffset
If GetPlayerDir(Index) = DIR_LEFT And Player(Index).Moving > 0 Then
rec.Right = rec.Right + Player(Index).XOffset
rec.Right = rec.Right + Player(Index).XOffset - ((SIZE_X - PIC_X) / 2)
End If
End If
End If
Call DD_BackBuffer.BltFast(x - (NewPlayerX * PIC_X) - NewXOffset, y - (NewPlayerY * PIC_Y) - NewYOffset, DD_SpriteSurf, rec, DDBLTFAST_WAIT Or DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY)
If GetPlayerVilas(Index) > 0 Then
rec.Top = GetPlayerVilas(Index) * SIZE_Y
rec.Bottom = rec.Top + PIC_Y
rec.Left = (GetPlayerDir(Index) * (3 * (SIZE_X / PIC_X)) + (Anim * (SIZE_X / PIC_X))) * PIC_X
rec.Right = rec.Left + SIZE_X
Call DD_BackBuffer.BltFast(x - (NewPlayerX * PIC_X) - 45, y - (NewPlayerY * PIC_Y) - 30, DD_Vilas, rec, DDBLTFAST_WAIT Or DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY)
End If
End Sub
procure por:
- Código:
Call SetPlayerClass(I, Val(Parse(12)))
Abaixo adicione:
- Código:
Call SetPlayerVilas(I, Val(Parse(13)))
Procure por:
- Código:
PK As Byte
Abaixo Adicione:
- Código:
Vilas As Byte
No final do modTypes adicione:
- Código:
Function GetPlayerVilas(ByVal Index As Long) As Byte
GetPlayerVilas = Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).Vilas
End Function
Sub SetPlayerVilas(ByVal Index As Long, _
ByVal Vilas As Byte)
Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).Vilas = Vilas
End Sub
Procure por Case "addachara" Mude toda a packet para:
- Código:
Case "addachara"
Dim VilaNum As Byte
Name = Parse(1)
Sex = Val(Parse(2))
Class = Val(Parse(3))
CharNum = Val(Parse(4))
VilaNum = Val(Parse(5))
For i = 1 To Len(Name)
N = Asc(Mid$(Name, i, 1))
If (N >= 65 And N <= 90) Or (N >= 97 And N <= 122) Or (N = 95) Or (N = 32) Or (N >= 48 And N <= 57) Then
Call PlainMsg(Index, "Nome Inválido! Use apenas letras, números e espaços.", 4)
Exit Sub
End If
If CharNum < 1 Or CharNum > MAX_CHARS Then
Call HackingAttempt(Index, "CharNum Inválido")
Exit Sub
End If
If (Sex < SEX_MALE) Or (Sex > SEX_FEMALE) Then
Call HackingAttempt(Index, "Sexo Inválido")
Exit Sub
End If
If Class < 1 Or Class > Max_Classes Then
Call HackingAttempt(Index, "Classe Inválida")
Exit Sub
End If
If VilaNum < 1 Or VilaNum > 5 Then
Call HackingAttempt(Index, "VilaNum Inválido")
Exit Sub
End If
If CharExist(Index, CharNum) Then
Call PlainMsg(Index, "O personagem já existe!", 4)
Exit Sub
End If
If FindChar(Name) Then
Call PlainMsg(Index, "Desculpe, mas este nome já está em uso!", 4)
Exit Sub
End If
Call AddChar(Index, Name, Sex, Class, CharNum, VilaNum)
Call SavePlayer(Index)
Call AddLog("O personagem " & Name & " foi adicionado na conta de " & GetPlayerLogin(Index) & ".", PLAYER_LOG)
Call SendChars(Index)
Call PlainMsg(Index, "O personagem foi criado!", 5)
Exit Sub
Procure por Sub AddChar mude toda a sub para:
- Código:
Sub AddChar(ByVal Index As Long, _
ByVal Name As String, _
ByVal Sex As Byte, _
ByVal ClassNum As Byte, _
ByVal CharNum As Long, _
ByVal VilaNum As Byte)
Dim f As Long
If Trim$(Player(Index).Char(CharNum).Name) = vbNullString Then
Player(Index).CharNum = CharNum
Player(Index).Char(CharNum).Name = Name
Player(Index).Char(CharNum).Sex = Sex
Player(Index).Char(CharNum).Class = ClassNum
Player(Index).Char(CharNum).Vilas = VilaNum
If Player(Index).Char(CharNum).Sex = SEX_MALE Then
Player(Index).Char(CharNum).Sprite = Class(ClassNum).MaleSprite
Player(Index).Char(CharNum).Sprite = Class(ClassNum).FemaleSprite
End If
Player(Index).Char(CharNum).Level = 1
Player(Index).Char(CharNum).STR = Class(ClassNum).STR
Player(Index).Char(CharNum).DEF = Class(ClassNum).DEF
Player(Index).Char(CharNum).Speed = Class(ClassNum).Speed
Player(Index).Char(CharNum).Magi = Class(ClassNum).Magi
If Class(ClassNum).Map <= 0 Then Class(ClassNum).Map = 1
If Class(ClassNum).x < 0 Or Class(ClassNum).x > MAX_MAPX Then Class(ClassNum).x = Int(Class(ClassNum).x / 2)
If Class(ClassNum).y < 0 Or Class(ClassNum).y > MAX_MAPY Then Class(ClassNum).y = Int(Class(ClassNum).y / 2)
Player(Index).Char(CharNum).Map = Class(ClassNum).Map
Player(Index).Char(CharNum).x = Class(ClassNum).x
Player(Index).Char(CharNum).y = Class(ClassNum).y
Player(Index).Char(CharNum).HP = GetPlayerMaxHP(Index)
Player(Index).Char(CharNum).MP = GetPlayerMaxMP(Index)
Player(Index).Char(CharNum).SP = GetPlayerMaxSP(Index)
' Colocando nome no arquivo xD
f = FreeFile
Open App.Path & "\Contas\charlist.txt" For Append As #f
Print #f, Name
Close #f
Call SavePlayer(Index)
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Procure por:
- Código:
Call PutVar(FileName, "CHAR" & i, "Guildaccess", STR(Player(Index).Char(i).Guildaccess))
Abaixo adicione:
- Código:
Call PutVar(FileName, "CHAR" & i, "Vila", STR(Player(Index).Char(i).Vilas))
Procure por:
- Código:
Player(Index).Char(i).Guildaccess = Val(GetVar(FileName, "CHAR" & i, "Guildaccess"))
Abaixo Adicione:
- Código:
Player(Index).Char(i).Vilas = Val(GetVar(FileName, "CHAR" & i, "Vila"))
Procure por:
- Código:
Packet = Packet & GetPlayerClass(i) & SEP_CHAR
abaixo adicione:
- Código:
Packet = Packet & GetPlayerVilas(i) & SEP_CHAR
Procure por TODOS os :
- Código:
Packet = Packet & GetPlayerClass(Index) & SEP_CHAR
abaixo de cada 1 que você achar adicione:
- Código:
Packet = Packet & GetPlayerVilas(Index) & SEP_CHAR
Procure pela Sub SendLeftGame mude ela toda para:
- Código:
Sub SendLeftGame(ByVal Index As Long)
Dim Packet As String
Packet = Packet & Index & SEP_CHAR
Packet = Packet & vbNullString & SEP_CHAR
Packet = Packet & 0 & SEP_CHAR
Packet = Packet & 0 & SEP_CHAR
Packet = Packet & 0 & SEP_CHAR
Packet = Packet & 0 & SEP_CHAR
Packet = Packet & 0 & SEP_CHAR
Packet = Packet & 0 & SEP_CHAR
Packet = Packet & 0 & SEP_CHAR
Packet = Packet & vbNullString & SEP_CHAR
Packet = Packet & 0 & SEP_CHAR
Packet = Packet & 0 & SEP_CHAR
Packet = Packet & 0 & SEP_CHAR
Packet = Packet & END_CHAR
Call SendDataToAllBut(Index, Packet)
Packet = Packet & Index & SEP_CHAR
Packet = Packet & 0 & SEP_CHAR
Packet = Packet & 0 & SEP_CHAR
Packet = Packet & 0 & SEP_CHAR
Packet = Packet & 0 & SEP_CHAR
Packet = Packet & 0 & SEP_CHAR
Packet = Packet & 0 & SEP_CHAR
Packet = Packet & 0 & SEP_CHAR
Packet = Packet & 0 & SEP_CHAR
Packet = Packet & END_CHAR
Call SendDataToAllBut(Index, Packet)
End Sub
- Código:
Para usar em Sprites 32x64 mude a Sub BltPlayer para:
Sub BltPlayer(ByVal Index As Long)
Dim Anim As Byte
Dim x As Long, y As Long
Dim AttackSpeed As Long
If GetPlayerWeaponSlot(Index) > 0 Then
AttackSpeed = Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerWeaponSlot(Index))).AttackSpeed
AttackSpeed = 1000
End If
' Only used if ever want to switch to blt rather then bltfast
' I suggest you don't use, because custom sizes won't work any longer
With rec_pos
.Top = GetPlayerY(Index) * PIC_Y + Player(Index).YOffset - (SIZE_Y - PIC_Y)
.Bottom = .Top + PIC_Y
.Left = GetPlayerX(Index) * PIC_X + Player(Index).XOffset + ((SIZE_X - PIC_X) / 2)
.Right = .Left + PIC_X + ((SIZE_X - PIC_X) / 2)
End With
' Check for animation
Anim = 0
If Player(Index).Attacking = 0 Then
Select Case GetPlayerDir(Index)
If (Player(Index).YOffset < PIC_Y / 2) Then Anim = 1
If (Player(Index).YOffset > PIC_Y / 2 * -1) Then Anim = 1
If (Player(Index).XOffset < PIC_Y / 2) Then Anim = 1
If (Player(Index).XOffset > PIC_Y / 2 * -1) Then Anim = 1
End Select
If Player(Index).AttackTimer + Int(AttackSpeed / 2) > GetTickCount Then
Anim = 2
End If
End If
' Check to see if we want to stop making him attack
If Player(Index).AttackTimer + AttackSpeed < GetTickCount Then
Player(Index).Attacking = 0
Player(Index).AttackTimer = 0
End If
rec.Top = GetPlayerSprite(Index) * SIZE_Y + (SIZE_Y - PIC_Y)
rec.Bottom = rec.Top + PIC_Y
rec.Left = (GetPlayerDir(Index) * (3 * (SIZE_X / PIC_X)) + (Anim * (SIZE_X / PIC_X))) * PIC_X
rec.Right = rec.Left + SIZE_X
x = GetPlayerX(Index) * PIC_X - (SIZE_X - PIC_X) / 2 + sx + Player(Index).XOffset
y = GetPlayerY(Index) * PIC_Y - (SIZE_Y - PIC_Y) + sx + Player(Index).YOffset + (SIZE_Y - PIC_Y)
If SIZE_X > PIC_X Then
If x < 0 Then
x = Player(Index).XOffset + sx + ((SIZE_X - PIC_X) / 2)
If GetPlayerDir(Index) = DIR_RIGHT And Player(Index).Moving > 0 Then
rec.Left = rec.Left - Player(Index).XOffset
rec.Left = rec.Left - Player(Index).XOffset + ((SIZE_X - PIC_X) / 2)
End If
End If
If x > MAX_MAPX * 32 Then
x = MAX_MAPX * 32 + sx - ((SIZE_X - PIC_X) / 2) + Player(Index).XOffset
If GetPlayerDir(Index) = DIR_LEFT And Player(Index).Moving > 0 Then
rec.Right = rec.Right + Player(Index).XOffset
rec.Right = rec.Right + Player(Index).XOffset - ((SIZE_X - PIC_X) / 2)
End If
End If
End If
Call DD_BackBuffer.BltFast(x - (NewPlayerX * PIC_X) - NewXOffset, y - (NewPlayerY * PIC_Y) - NewYOffset, DD_SpriteSurf, rec, DDBLTFAST_WAIT Or DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY)
If GetPlayerVilas(Index) > 0 Then
rec.Top = GetPlayerVilas(Index) * SIZE_Y
rec.Bottom = rec.Top + PIC_Y
rec.Left = (GetPlayerDir(Index) * (3 * (SIZE_X / PIC_X)) + (Anim * (SIZE_X / PIC_X))) * PIC_X
rec.Right = rec.Left + SIZE_X
Call DD_BackBuffer.BltFast(x - (NewPlayerX * PIC_X) - 45, y - (NewPlayerY * PIC_Y) - 65, DD_Vilas, rec, DDBLTFAST_WAIT Or DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY)
End If
End Sub
E para poder usar guild sem ficar em cima do nome da vila, mude a Sub BltPlayerGuildName para:
- Código:
Sub BltPlayerGuildName(ByVal Index As Long)
Dim TextX As Long
Dim TextY As Long
Dim Color As Long
If GetPlayerGuild(Index) = vbNullString Then Exit Sub
' Check access level
If GetPlayerPK(Index) = NO Then
Select Case GetPlayerGuildAccess(Index)
Case 0
If GetPlayerSTR(Index) > 0 Then
Color = QBColor(Red)
Color = QBColor(Red)
End If
Case 1
Color = QBColor(BrightCyan)
Case 2
Color = QBColor(Yellow)
Case 3
Color = QBColor(BrightGreen)
Case 4
Color = QBColor(Yellow)
End Select
Color = QBColor(BrightRed)
End If
TextX = GetPlayerX(Index) * PIC_X + sx + Player(Index).XOffset + Int(PIC_X * 0.5) - ((Len(GetPlayerGuild(Index)) * 0.5) *
TextY = GetPlayerY(Index) * PIC_Y + sx + Player(Index).YOffset - Int(PIC_Y * 0.5) - 58
Call DrawText(TexthDC, TextX - (NewPlayerX * PIC_X) - NewXOffset, TextY - (NewPlayerY * PIC_Y) - NewYOffset, GetPlayerGuild(Index), Color)
End Sub
Créditos: Del Piero